The TeamGym competition is a form of competition created by the UEG within the Europian Union of Gymnastics. The first official competition was held in Finland in 1996 and it takes place every even-numbered year. TeamGym is a team competition for clubs and consist of three sections: women, men and mixed teams. In 2010 there was for the first time a European Championship for TeamGym. Teamgym competitions exhibit gymnastic skills in three different disciplines; floor, tumbling and trampette.
Floor Programme
All members of the Team take part in the floor program, composed of a mixture of dance, flexibility and skill. The routine has to be skillfully choreographed and the judges look out for changes in shape. There needs to be at least two spins, two jumps/leaps, two acrobatic elements, two balance/power elements, two section elements and one combination of elements. These section elements are bodywaves for women’s teams, power elements for men’s teams and lifts for mixed teams. Floor routines are performed to music.
There are two components of this section of this programme. Vault with the trampette and trampette on its own. Six gymnasts perform each run and they use a technique known as ‘streaming’ which means performing very close together e.g. one person hits the trampette and the next starts running. At least one of the three total runs that the gymnasts make, must be a vault run. Generally the first round is chosen for each individual gymnast to perform the same move.
Again, here there are three runs (rounds) involved. One of which has to include all six gymnasts doing a forwards series. Another run also has to include the gymnasts completing the same move. Each series must have at least three different acrobatic elements.